What would be a sustainable and effective pension system for the people?

A new world needs new thinking….Now, more than ever we need to think differently about some of the biggest issues facing our shared society.
Punter Southall Pension Solutions is delighted to be sponsoring The Frank Redington Prize, which seeks to encourage and recognise innovative thought leadership in fields of interest to actuarial science. With a first prize of £12,500, and open to both members and non-members of the Actuarial Profession, The Frank Redington Prizes call for essays to be submitted on two subjects:
What would be a sustainable economic and finance system for public interest? First prize sponsored by Milliman
What would be a sustainable and effective pension system for the people? First prize sponsored by Punter Southall Pension Solutions
Punter Southall Pension Solutions (“PSPS”), which runs the Award Winning Pension Consolidator, Stoneport, is a subsidiary of the Punter Southall Group, co-founded by actuaries Jonathan Punter and Stuart Southall in 1988.
Throughout their careers, Jonathan and Stuart have sought to innovate both within pensions and the wider financial services world. As its name implies, PSPS is focused on developing solutions that could assist an efficient market as defined benefit schemes in the private sector go through what is increasingly a run-off phase.
They also see a need to address disparities between pension provision in the private and public sectors, to reduce complexity in pension regulation, and above all to find ways of encouraging a wider savings culture given the inadequacies of the bare minimum auto-enrolment provision.
Building on the ‘Finance in the Public Interest’ thought leadership series in March 2021, the prizes focus on two areas where the actuarial profession is using its expertise and insights to challenge orthodoxy and encourage fresh strategic thinking – and in some cases radical challenge which supports our public interest commitment. The prizes focus on two such issues, welcoming the best ideas from within and beyond the actuarial profession.
For more information about how to submit an entry please see The Frank Redington Prizes | Institute and Faculty of Actuaries